Why one session at a time? No packages? 50 minute sessions?
I've been doing 50-minute healing sessions full-time for 1/3 of my lifespan so far--it's how I work best. Most coaches don't have backgrounds as Psychotherapists, so they come from a 'sell a package' model of business vs. each session. I don't believe in needing a big buy-in or commitment to do this work, though deep change takes time and commitment. I don't believe much in 'programs' because I believe you aren't a cookie-cutter human being. 50-minute sessions are enough time together without being too much. Part of the lesson for many feelers and seekers is in not over-doing, learning to live peacefully vs. being in fix it or process mode in excess, to build the muscles of taking our feelings out and then to contain them. 50-minute acts as our container. Life is a marathon. I believe the current culture of 'more more more/go harder go harder go harder' is flawed for sensitive people. This work is intimate and gets to your core issues, so the healing 'sticks' long term. That's what I coach. The program is you and me during our scheduled time together; you go live your life utilizing tools, strategies, new knowledge, etc. I don't do 'sales', no 'pitches', no high-pressure multiple emails, no flashy last chance sales, no big or empty promises. I offer my services simply, plainly, and with sincerity. I might offer gift cards in the future, at a discount through a newsletter during the holidays, or share when I'm not fully booked, etc. Take a little at a time; do as much or as little work as you decide.